Guncam game recording and screen capture software
Video game recording software

Growler Guncam Downloads

Guncam installer, version
This is the download for the current release version of Guncam. If you don't have Guncam registered, it will have "" stamped on GIF and AVI exports after a 14 day trial. However, JPG and GCF exports will not have this stamp.

If you are going to create AVI files, it is recommended that you also download and install the XviD Codec below.

Download icon Download Guncam Installer - 1.9 MB.

Guncam upgrade - use this if you already have Guncam installed.
Works for both registered and unregistered versions:
This version has a new interface and simplifies operation. All films are auto-saved.

Download icon Download Upgrade Installer - 690 KB.
Rightclick and "save as" to avoid getting a chached version.

- 3.1.6 Fixed problem with Punkbuster and Battlefield2 and Battlefield 2142. Report any problems, or any other games that confict with Punkbuster when Guncam is running.
- 3.1.7 Fixed audio/video sync issues some soundcards were having while recording.
- 3.1.8 Added "Record-on" indicator overlay to exclusive mode games
- 3.1.9 Enhanced avi-export
- Added the new Movie Editor
- Fixed bug resulting from a bug fix in *bashes head on keyboard* And I could have been a bricklayer...

Xvid Codec:
This executable will intall the Xvid codec.
Download icon Download XviD V1.0.3 codec 620kB

Game Capture Examples
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Guncam Manual
Troubleshooting tips
video game recording software examples download register Help with video recording Trouble shooting Video capture